I am a feminist artist. I developed my projects from the awareness of the oppression that patriarchy exerts on our lives and bodies. My work seeks to position itself in front of this, to learn from others, work collectively and connect with our experiences as social and political individuals.
My creative process begins on the experience, affections and emotions with which we face the world. These become sensorial: images and sounds that are transformed in artistic projects. The medium that I use responds to the project I am working on, most of the time I combine different mediums in one project. As an interdisciplinary artist I have made work in performance, video, collage, animation, installation, printmaking and community art.
My motivation to create is to express, exchange and connect. Sometimes I create from anger and indignation, sometimes from joy and sorority and sometimes from sadness. Thus, my work seeks to generate different emotions in the viewer: to move, to empathize, to discomfort.
My artwork does not try to give answers but to generate questions.